An absolute terrific experience. One of the best outdoor activities.
Selcuk Airport- (near Aydin, Izmir). Your Plane will take off from this small Airport.
When you arrive at the Airport, you’ll meet the pilots. They are fully licensed and experienced and will assist you in enjoying a great day. A Cessna 208B Grand Caravan aeroplane will be used for the skydive. The aircraft is safe as it meets all the safety requirements and undergoes regular maintenance.
Pilots will explain every step of the flight and skydiving. More specifically, the pilots will tell you what you should and should not do during the flight. In addition, they will demonstrate all the essential safety procedures and how to use the safety equipment properly. Previous experience is not required.
Pilots will allocate the safety equipment you should wear. You’ll wear goggles, headgear and a jumpsuit for skydiving.