Did you know;
She is the most honoured woman in the Quran? She is the only woman named in the book. The woman is Mary (Meryem), the mother of Jesus(PEACE BE UPON HIM).

Turkey is probably the only country on the planet where followers of mixed religions can live in harmony regardless of their origins and backgrounds. This is not with the new era, but it has always been like this over the centuries.

Since historians can study the archives of the Ottomans, many examples prove that Turks always opened their doors to those fleeing the massacres and racist religious discriminations of the western media-evil period, such as Jews from Spain during the 16th century.

Minorities have always been treated well and chosen to choose their settlement places; nowadays, we can see that many expensive plots in Istanbul, for example, belong to the Jews who inherited these from their ancestors who sought refuge from the Turks in the early 16th century.

In today’s Turkiye, Christians and Jews practice their religions freely in their worship places as any Muslim can. This, compared to most of the countries around the world, is way more democratic and humanitarian, e.g. in France, whilst Christians can practise their religions freely, Muslims are granted obstacles.

Whilst Muslims have great difficulties getting permission to build their mosques (without prayer calls) anywhere in Europe, Jews and Christians are not facing any similar problems in Turkey.

Whilst a Tourist can have the courage to complain about the prayer call coming from the minarets, a Muslim in the western world can not even dream of doing the same regarding church bells.

Turkey is overwhelmingly a Muslim country. As explained above, other religious groups and sects include Orthodox and Catholic Christians and Jews. They are Turkish Citizens and have the same rights by law as any other Citizen of Turkiye. The difference is they believe; differently, that is all.

It would be a clever thing to do to find out about Ramadan Times before travelling to a Muslim Country. Ramadan starts every year more or less ten days earlier due to the Moon Calendar. Especially in areas where tourism is less developed and not the primary income, people can be sensitive as they would expect you not to eat and drink in public places. Although in Touristic places such as Marmaris, Sarigerme and Antalya, even if the people won’t mind, it would be good to know and show the necessary respect.

Not knowing the basics of Islam is no excuse if you travel around in a Muslim country. Especially with easy access to knowledge via the internet, books and media.

Being Ignorant in this matter may result in an unpleasant outcome.

Please refer to an Islamic site; (we recommend suleymaniyevakfi.org ) if you have any queries about Islam.